Looking for a Chiropractor in Dee Why?
For a multitude of reasons, the back is one of the most common and persistent places for people to experience pain and discomfort throughout their lives. And given the fact that the spine houses parts of the central nervous system that are responsible for many of the body’s key functions, having an abnormal shaped spine that’s caused by out of alignment vertebrae can cause parts of the Central Nervous System to function poorly. Here at Complete Chiropractic, we use the most modern and advanced techniques available in order to shape your spine back into a more natural alignment which will alleviate many issues with your body that were seemingly unrelated to your spine.
Because the spine has been studied so extensively, the most common back problems including spinal conditions such as misalignments, herniated discs, and sciatica are more easily diagnosed and treated. This leads many traditional doctors to deem many of the lesser known and not as common problems as ‘incurable’.
Here at Complete Chiropractic, we will not give up until we can pinpoint the source of your problem and create an all-encompassing and effective treatment plan to elevate your pain. At your initial visit at Complete Chiropractic, the chiropractor will thoroughly evaluate your medical history, perform a physical examination, and also possibly some test manipulations. If a recent and relevant copy of X-rays or MRIs is not available or doesn’t exist, it may be necessary to go for new tests in order to aid the diagnostic process. After we have a clear understanding of the best treatment plan for you, we can come up with clear end point goals that will give you the best quality of life possible.
Likewise, if you have one of the more common conditions such as those that are listed above, we can also create a personalised treatment plan for you and you will some noticeable results after your first few sessions with us. Because of our understanding that each of our patients require a personalised service and treatment care plan, we have the ability to effectively treat your spinal and other related problems giving you increased flexibility, mobility, and a better quality of life.
There are many techniques Complete Chiropractic employs to alleviate your pain and get your spine back into the right shape. Some of these techniques can seem very out of the ordinary but rest assured that you are in the hands of a trained and experienced professional who employs only the most modern techniques to assure the most effective treatment.
For the most advanced and effective techniques, you want the very best chiropractor in Dee Why so call Complete Chiropractic on 02 9972 0040 today for more information.

With our five easy steps booking system you can book your session in any time you want, also decide which of our doctor you want to visit.
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Health Matters
We aim to give you freedom through an understanding of how the body works. It is through this understanding that you will be more in tune with your body and have a greater capacity to bounce back from injury.
70% of the body’s energy is used to counteract gravity. We treat the underlying factors contributing to poor posture and we can guarantee a positive change in posture in just one visit. Poor posture can be the reason for unresolved body symptoms such as headaches, back pain, poor sleep, shallow breathing and general lack of energy.
We can help you manage a range of injuries and illness, and can reduce or rid you of your pain and discomfort therefore giving you greater mobility and the freedom to be as active as possible.
At your first appointment, Your Chiropractor will build a complete picture of your health and medical history in order to develop your personalised treatment plan. This plan will cover: